Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Time To ReDecorate?

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Decorating, Home

ReDecorate Your Home

Everyone would like an elegant home. Raising the visual appeal of any home creates a enjoyable setting, as well as a relaxed owner. A home or workplace will become beautiful with the assistance of a first-rate painter and decorator, who will be diligent about your home and who cares about their workmanship.

In addition to the aesthetic appearance of your Read more

Early Roof Maintenance Will Save You Money

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Construction, Home, Property Maintenance

Inspect your Roof to Save on Maintenance Costs

The first point of protection for your house is the roof. It needs to withstand every type of weather condition all year round. Regular roof maintenance and inspection will save you money in the long term.

Small roof damage is often ignored but can quickly lead to more expensive repairs if not dealt with quickly.

In the UK the most common roofing materials are Read more

Why You Should Choose The Paleo Diet

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Diet & Nutrition

What is Paleo?

The Hunter-Gatherer diet is also known as the Paleolithic or Paleo Diet. Modern Agriculture changed our diet because it became necessary to mass grow cheap food in order to feed the growing population.Many foods including dairy, wheat, grains, legumes, soya and maize are not natural foods that we are designed to eat. Modern farming methods made them a necessity despite their unsuitability for us to digest.

In order to prevent growing populations from starving, intensive farming developed hardy crops that were cheap and plentiful to feed the masses. Less consideration was given to the suitability of those foods to our delicate digestive systems.

A Natural Caveman Menu

We existed for many thousands of years, gathering foods we found or hunting for meat and fish. Our bodies are designed to eat foods that we have hunted or found, this is because this way you tend to eat one type of food per meal, nuts one day, fruit the next, meat the next and so on. Your stomach produces different enzymes in order to digest different food types. A different enzyme for proteins and carbohydrates.

It is only in the past 10,000 thousand years or so that we have been mixing our food groups into complex meals, which is no time at all in evolutionary terms, and many of us find that our bodies struggle to properly digest mixed meals. The enzymes necessary to digest proteins and carbohydrates don’t work together very well, so when you eat combined foods you create two enzymes that can’t digest everything you have eaten.

What Foods Do You Need To Avoid?

The Paleo diet is focused on avoiding all the modern foods that are not natural to our diet. Many of our modern foods that we assume are healthy are in fact not much good for us at all, these include; wheat, potatoes, grains, legumes, refines salts, dairy, refined sugars and refined oils. Our bodies are not designed to eat these foods, which are mostly modern, and difficult for us to digest in volume.

The refined foods are really difficult for us to digest and is in part responsible for the obesity epidemic that seems to be sweeping the developed world. Any food that has been processed should not be eaten, only natural organic foods should be on your plate.

What Did Cavemen Eat?


Paleolithic foods

The diet of a hunter-gatherer or caveman was a simple organic diet of foods that were naturally available to them, including; meat (organic naturally), fish, fruit, fungi, eggs, roots, nuts and vegetables.

These foods are our ‘natural’ diet and the foods we are designed to consume. We would usually eat these foods as we found or caught them rather than combining them into complex meals as is the modern practice. By combining these foods correctly you can still eat great tasting meals but meals that are easy to digest and gain the maximum nutrition from.

Why Use Quality Tattoo Equipment?

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Tattooists

Some Advice About Tattoo Equipment

When someone opens up a brand new tattoo parlor, they are going to want to purchase the best quality tattoo equipment they can find. Inexperienced and new artists find out what the professionals use and what they recommend so that they will get the best quality they can find. Some online website resources provide quite a lot of information for these new entrepreneurs. Sterilization and cleanliness should always take precedence over anything else.

The gun and the needles are two of the main tools that will be used by an artist of this kind. These tools should be purchased from Read more

Quality Rank Reporting Software

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Business, SEO, Technology & Computing

Google Ranking Application

Anybody with a online business ought to know exactly where they are ranked in the major search engines. Although this is obviously most useful for people with an array of sites and internet marketers, that does not mean it’s any less useful for a standard website owner. Search engine rank reporting software will allow you to identify, your Read more

A Beginners Guide To Clay Shooting

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Sports & Hobbies

Learn About Clay Pigeon Shooting

Shotgun Types

The three main designs of shotgun are Side by Side, Semi-Automatic and Over and Under.

Side by side shotguns are frequently used by game shooters. The two barrels are next to each other.

With over and under shotguns, the barrels are positioned on top of one another. Shooters often use an over and under for clay pigeons.

Semi-Automatics have a single barrel and cartridges are loaded through the clip below the breech.

The bulk of adult shooters normally use twelve bore shot guns as they are the perfect combination of weight and performance for the vast majority of clay targets you will see.

Twenty bore shotgun are ideal for juniors, ladies and older shooters looking to reduce the recoil effect through their shoulders because they are smaller than twelve bores.

Required Clay Shooting Equipment

Shotgun Slip

Gun sleeves come in a variety of colours, designs, styles & materials including leather and canvas.

Cartridge Carrying Bags

Depending on what type of shooting you will be doing, you will need a pouch, pocket or bag to hold enough cartridges while you shoot.

Protection For Your Eyes

Eyewear when clay shooting is very important because often fragments of broken clay can hit shooters as they fall and these can be very sharp.

Ear Defenders

To preserve your hearing against potential damage you ought to wear ear defenders near to shooting activities. Hearing protection is mandatory at all reputable shooting venues.


All shot gun shooters have their ideal shells that they like to use, and there are many manufacturers to choose from. Most shots stick with a shell that they have shot well with!

Different types of target often require different sizes of lead shot for the optimum chance of hitting it consistently. Larger lead shot flies further but there are not as many lead pellets in each cartridge. Lighter shot doesn’t fly as far but you have a larger ‘pattern’ to break the clay with at closer range.

The amount of ‘lead’ that a target requires will depend on the velocity of your cartridge. Velocities vary from 1350 – 1650 ft/second, and a particular shot speed will suit your style of shooting better than others.

Skeet and Sporting Shooting


Olympic grade clay shooting is all skeet based. Skeet shooting consists of a low and a high trap that face each other. All skeet grounds provide clay targets that fly on a similar pattern so wherever you shoot, the skeet targets are going to be the same.

A round is made up of 25 clays, shot in sequence from seven shooting pegs. The best skeet shooters will regularly hit a hundred without loss.

Sporting Clay Shooting

Shooting clubs that provide sporting clays put on a mixture of targets which mimic different game. Each ground will be different, and will usually change on a frequent basis so you’re never bored!

Different Clay Types

110mm – Standard Clay – basic domed clay

Midi – 90mm Diameter – a slightly smaller version of a standard

Minis are the same shape as standards, but only 60mm. Sometimes called bumble bees!

A Battue is a thin flat clay with a stepped outer edge, measuring 110mm across. They are often used for looping targets because they turn as they decelerate, providing the shooter with a new challenge!

Rabbit clays ape actual rabbits, so the clays are tougher so they don’t shatter too easily when they bounce on the ground.

Basic Shooting Principles

Clay shooting is very similar to catching a ball in that you don’t reach out to where the ball is in that instant, but where it is going to be moments later. You do the same thing with your lead pellets, so that in effect, the clay flies into your lead shot pattern.

Hitting clays requires good hand/eye coordination as well as the ability to ‘read’ what a target is doing as it flies.

Shot from your load flies in a cigar shaped cloud. All you have to do is to place that cloud of lead in the flight path of your target.

Your lead is moving at between 1350 and 1650 ft/s, and the clay is moving as well.

Some targets are designed to mislead you as to what they’re doing in the air. Some easy looking targets are often missed for this reason.

Basic Shooting Techniques

The two key factors that will let you hit the clay are your gun speed and the timing of pulling the trigger. The 2 main styles of shooting are ‘maintain lead’ and ‘swing through’.

Maintain lead is the most popular technique new shooters. Maintain lead involves swinging through the flight path of the clay, keeping your barrels the distance in front of the target that you feel is the right amount of lead.

Instead of consciously measuring each time using maintain lead, advanced shooters often use a swing through shooting style. Coming from behind the target, you swing through the clay until you have sufficient lead. Shoot while keeping your gun moving and watch the clay shatter.

The Different Types of Clay Targets

Clay targets come in seven different styles which imitate different types of game birds.


A rabbit is a strong flat 55mm radius clay designed to run along the ground often quite fast. Rabbits are often unpredictable with an unexpected hop when you least expect it.

Simulated teal

A Teal clay simulates Teal duck, and flies straight up in the air, often at great speed, usually falling on a similar path it went up. These fast targets are difficult even for experienced shooters.


By looking at where the target comes from and where it lands you can assess exactly how much the target is quartering towards or away from you. Quartering targets normally need less lead than a crossing target, so knowing its true flight path is critical.

Driven Simulated

Driven clays simulate game on a shoot being driven towards you. Driven targets can be difficult because they disappear from view behind your gun barrels just when you need to be able to see them! Driven birds need a swing through technique because of this.

Incoming Birds

Incoming clays fly towards you from a variety of directions. Unlike driven targets, they normally fall before reaching the shooter rather than flying on overhead.

Going Away Targets

Going away targets get small very quickly so don’t hang on them or you will miss your opportunity.

Looper Birds

Looping targets start off rising, before falling, and often quarter towards or away from you. Hitting a looping target consistently can be tricky & requires practice. Some prefer to hit them rising, while others prefer to wait for them to begin falling before pulling the trigger.

Easy iSpy Games For Kids

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Games

iSpy Games

Every year, online gaming is becoming more popular with growing sales of mobiles and smartphones. Smartphone games are a particular area of growth due to the growing use of the devices.

The majority of games can be expensive for children to play.

Free smartphone games offer children and youngsters the opportunity to play fun games on their phones without having to spend any money.

Among the many traditional games that have migrated online in recent years is the age old game of iSpy. Instead of crossing off items in a book as you find them, you take photo’s of them Read more

How To Rank In Google

April 22, 2014 by  
Filed under Business, Technology & Computing

Repair your Google Rankings

You need to understand which algorithm, Penguin or Panda has penalized your website if you are going to fix it. The Google Penguin algorithm was launched around the 24th April 2012 so traffic drops near this date indicate that Penguin is responsible.

Whichever keywords dominate your exact match anchor text will usually be the ones hit hardest by Penguin. To see the anchor texts currently linking to your site, use the free tool at majesticseo.com.

Back-Link Construction

The Penguin algorithm requires text link density to be less than Read more

Vaporizing E Cigarettes & The Future

April 22, 2014 by  
Filed under E Cigarettes, Health, Shopping

The Future for Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking is proven to be dangerous and smokers all know the risks. Dying from cancer is far more likely if you smoke cigarettes. All over the world, the tobacco industry has significant political influence.

The Government, Politicians and Future Legislation

The government in the UK faces a costly dilemma, if they aid too many smokers to quit cigarettes, they will lose a large slice of the £12 billion in annual tobacco duty that the country needs. Alcohol is another harmful substance that the government doesn’t mind too much who it kills because of the Read more

Traffic Offence Solicitor Advice

April 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Legal

Top Ten Common Driving Offences Requiring Solicitors Advice

Lawyers who deal with general criminal law won’t always know the ideal legal arguments that can be used successfully to protect your licence if you have been accused of a traffic offence, or any of the driving offences below;

Failure to provide driver details

If you receive a section 172 driver information request, you must complete it and return it. The penalty for not returning this request is six points. The statutory defences in the RTA are Section172(4) and S172(7)(b) RTA 1988.

You will need to show that you used Read more